SRCDS Steam group

I need some help on people joning my server..
Everytime someonejoins it liek my friend it dosent respond and get's this error...
maxplayers set to 32
Heap: 256.00 Mb
Parsed 359 text messages
execing config.cfg
2 CPUs (1 physical), Frequency: 2.6 Ghz, Features: GenuineIntel SSE SSE2 MMX RDTSC CMOV FCMOV
execing valve.rc
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Failed to load sound "friends\friend_ingame.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Connecting to
Connection failed after 4 retries.

Sad I dunno what to do, please help,
Click here to find out your real ip address

If your friends still can't connect to your server using your real ip address, then come back and reply here.
ok thanks, is the port what it usally is?
I'm not sure what you mean by that question but, 27015 is the default steam server port. if you are not using a router or firewall, don't worry about opening any ports.
ok, so my ip should be..
If that is it how do i then make my server have that ip?
first of all, make sure you have sv_lan 0 in your server.cfg. If you are running this server on your own computer, you won't see the real ip address because it's in your own network. when people search for servers and find yours in the list, it will displays as
Alrite ty,
But in my server.cfg lol there is nothing lolz

Its point and click to make it super easy.
On that the only choice for sv_lan is lan&internet and Lan
Below server.cfg is a sample server.cfg I use for my customers. It's very user friendly and explains what each cvar does. This one is for counter-strike: source but if you want to run other games, I have different sample server.cfg for other games as well.

// General Configs

// Name of the server as it appears in game browsers
hostname "[eX] CS: S hosted by"

// Remote Console Password
rcon_password "yourrconpassword"

// Player connect password
// sv_password ""

// Max size in megabytes of custom.hpk spray file
// 0: unlimited
hpk_maxsize "1"

// Can clients pause the server?
pausable "0"

// Limit/Fake the server size (0~255)
// -1: maxplayers cvar
// NOTE: this can exceed 32, but that doesn't mean more players can join
// sv_visiblemaxplayers "16"

// Cheats enabled?
sv_cheats "0"

// Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_maxfailures 5

// Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailures 2

// Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30

// Are ppl allowed to spectate?
allow_spectators "1"

// Seconds between player spraying their decals
decalfrequency "30"

// Show debuggin output
// 0: None
// 1: Normal
// 2: Extra
developer "0"

// File Locations

// Folder in-which to place the .log files
logsdir "logs"

// Configuration file for Non-Dedicated server
// lservercfgfile "listenserver.cfg"

// Configuration file to execute on every map change
mapchangecfgfile "server.cfg"

// List of maps for the server to cycle through
mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"

// Message of the Day. Writable in HTML as on Steam
motdfile "motd.txt"

// Configuration file for Dedicated server
servercfgfile "server.cfg"

// Multiplayer-Specific Settings

// Kick idle or disruptive players?
mp_autokick "0"

// Automatically blance the teams if they become uneven?
mp_autoteambalance "0"

// weapons don't go away when picked up
mp_weaponstay 0

// Minutes at round start to purchase weapons and such
mp_buytime "1.5"

// Seconds till c4 explodes
mp_c4timer "45"

// Seconds at map end to chat, prior to map cycling
mp_chattime "2"

// Force models to match bounding parameters?
mp_consistency "1"

// Upon death, screen fades to black?
mp_fadetoblack "0"

//C an players use their flashlight?
mp_flashlight "1"

// Does player movement create noise?
mp_footsteps "1"

// Forces players to view 1st person?
mp_forcecamera "0"

// Forces player's deathcamera to
// 0) wonder around as they please
// 1) track their team,
// 2) stay at death's location
mp_forcechasecam "0"          

// Maximum Frags per person map
mp_fragsleft "0"

// Seconds at round start when you cannot move
mp_freezetime "0"

// Friendly-fire enabled?
mp_friendlyfire "0"

// How many hostages can you kill before being ejected from the server
// NOTE: requires mp_autokick "1"
mp_hostagepenalty "5"

// Fraction of players on a team required to vote-kick a player out with ] vote ###
// mp_kickpercent "0.66"

// Maximum number of extra players on a given team for joining players
// 0: Disables
mp_limitteams "0"

// Log player-to-player attacks. Required for some server-plugins to operate correctly
// 0: none
// 1: enemy
// 2: team
// 3: 1 + 2
mp_logdetail "0"

// Create a log file? (also set by: log on)
mp_logfile "0"

// Fraction of players in the server required to vote for a new map with ] votemap ###
// mp_mapvoteratio "0.66"

// Maximum number of rounds per map
// 0: Disables
mp_maxrounds "0"

// Display target information
// 0: everyone (teammates, enemies & hostages
// 1: teammates & hostages(?)
// 2: no one
mp_playerid "0"

// Minutes per round
// Range: 1 ~ 9
mp_roundtime "3"

// Money given at game start
// Range: 800 ~ 16000
mp_startmoney "800"

// Minutes to run the map after game starts
// 0: inifite
mp_timelimit "20"

// Automatically Slay team-killers?
// NOTE: requires mp_autokick "1"
mp_tkpunish "1"

// Maximum number of wins for a given team
// 0: Disables
mp_winlimit "0"

// Movement

// Gravity
// 981: Earth standard
sv_gravity "800"

// Maximum speed a player can attain manually
sv_maxspeed "320"

// Absolute maximum speed attainable (falling etc...)
sv_maxvelocity "2000"

// Network

// Allow clients to download custom files such as maps, sprays, and sounds?
sv_allowdownload "1"

// Allow clients to upload stuff, sprays?
sv_allowupload "1"

// Download URL for custom files such as maps
// This allows clients to download files at a much faster speed
// Contact for more information on redirect hosting
// sv_downloadurl "http://www.exgamehosting/cstrike/maps"

// Contact information. Usually your email address or website
sv_contact ""

// (?) Minutes before connections to server timeout?
// sv_failuretime "0.5"

// Compress files before uploading them to clients when using trickle transfer?
// sv_filetransfercompression "1"

// Is this a LAN server?
sv_lan "0"

// Server ip (to avoid RCon problems)
// ip

// Maximum number of bytes per second to send to clients
sv_maxrate "15000"

// Seconds of lag to compensate for (0.5 = 500ms)
// sv_maxunlag "0.5"

// Maximum number of updates per second
sv_maxupdaterate "60"

// Minimum number of bytes per second to send to clients
sv_minrate "5000"

// Minimum number of updates per second
sv_minupdaterate "10"

// Allow HLTV proxies?
sv_proxies "0"

// Geographical location of server
// 0: US East coast
// 1: US West coast
// 2: South America
// 3: Europe
// 4: Asia
// 5: Australia
// 6: Middle East
// 7: Africa
// 255: World. Though it tends to be more like None
sv_region "1"

// Send player sprays to clients?
// sv_send_logos "1"

// Send maps, sounds, etc to clients?
// sv_send_resources "1"

// Connection timeout to players
sv_timeout "60"

// Enable lag-compensation?
// sv_unlag "0"

// Forced anti-lag?
// sv_unlagpush "0"

// Ping sample to average out in lag compensation
// sv_unlagsamples "1"

// Voice Communications

// Can everyone hear everyone?
sv_alltalk "0"

// Codec to use.
// "voice_miles"
// "voice_speex"
// sv_voicecodec "voice_speex"

//Enable voice chat?
sv_voiceenable "1"

// KB/s for voice-comms
sv_voicequality "3"

// Exec files on startup

exec banned.cfg
exec listip.cfg
ok thanks,
in server.cfg do i just put a new text doc called server.cfg?
lolz thanks
yes, but make sure its server.cfg and not server.txt.cfg
okey done i will try my server now Smile
1. right click on the desktop
2. go to new
3. select new document
4. copy and paste my server.cfg in the white box
5. go to file
6. save as
7. now type "server.cfg"
8. now all you have to do is copy this server.cfg and paste it into your cfg folder (cstrike/cfg )
ok but i dont think that worked becoz when my server comes up it has the name "Counter Strike: Source"

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