07-25-2016, 04:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2016, 04:44 PM by Mrsexyness.)
Server OS: I am renting through Nitrous Servers and I believe its linux.
Processor: They use Xenon Processors
Game(s): Garry's mod
Start Up Command: My Batch File Includes
![[Image: commandline.PNG]](http://www.thencbacommunity.com/commandline.PNG)
Admin Mods: I am Not Using a Source Mod Mod, I am Using ULX/Ullysses
I am having Issues where My Clients Don't get Updated Enough and they Loose Packets. Its not actual packet loss.
![[Image: EE75FF411E2D071E6665F6A9AC66D8EFFBF22EDD]](http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/267220742943513481/EE75FF411E2D071E6665F6A9AC66D8EFFBF22EDD/)
![[Image: 5F9E66F93497C0586C1F9A944F4C0E687B324D28]](http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/267220742943512052/5F9E66F93497C0586C1F9A944F4C0E687B324D28/)
![[Image: C3B221827DF6E648E6CDE4FA39CE528FE1F25374]](http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/267220742943511200/C3B221827DF6E648E6CDE4FA39CE528FE1F25374/)
My Server CFG
sv_lan "0"
sv_region "255"
//sv_password "70%"
sbox_godmode 0
sbox_noclip 0
sbox_maxprops 75
sbox_maxragdolls 0
sbox_maxnpcs 900
sbox_maxballoons 0
sbox_maxeffects 0
sbox_maxdynamite 0
sbox_maxlamps 0
sbox_maxthrusters 0
sbox_maxwheels 0
sbox_maxhoverballs 0
sbox_maxvehicles 1
sbox_maxbuttons 10
sbox_maxsents 20
sbox_maxemitters 0
sv_gravity 400
// sv_loadingurl "http://www.thencbacommunity.com/darkrpone/?steamid=%s"
sv_loadingurl "http://www.thencbacommunity.com/darkrp/"
sv_allowdownload 0
sv_allowupload 0
net_maxfilesize "1280000"
// Test Convars
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 30000
sv_mincmdrate 0
sv_maxcmdrate 100
sv_minupdaterate 0
sv_maxupdaterate 100
// rate 750
//cl_cmdrate 30
//cl_updaterate 30
//rate 30000
// Test Convars Not Network Wise
sv_alternateticks "0"
sv_client_predict "1"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference 20
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec banned_user.cfg
// Cuffs Convars
cuffs_restrictarrest:0 // [DarkRP] Players must be handcuffed to be arrested.
cuffs_autoarrest: 0 // [DarkRP] Players are automatically arrested when handcuffed by a police job.
cuffs_restrictsuicide: 1 // Handcuffed players cannot suicide.
cuffs_restrictteams: 1 // Handcuffed players cannot change team (or job in DarkRP)
cuffs_allowbreakout: 1 // Handcuffed players can break out of their restraints. Does not affect other players freeing them.
cuffs_restrictvehicle: 1 // Handcuffed players cannot enter vehicles.
// Atmos Weather Mod Convars
atmos_reset // - resets all server settings to their default values
atmos_enabled 1 // - enable or disable atmos entirely
atmos_paused 0 // - pause time progression
atmos_realtime 0 // - enable or disable atmos using the servers local time zone
atmos_weather 0 // - enable or disable weather
atmos_log 0 // - toggle logging atmos events to console
atmos_dnc_length_day 1200 // - determines at what rate time progress during daytime
atmos_dnc_length_night 1600 // - determines at what rate time progress during nighttime
atmos_weather_length 500 // - how many seconds weather will last
atmos_weather_chance 1 // - the % chance weather will occur
atmos_weather_delay 3600 // - the delay in seconds atmos will do a dice roll to trigger weather based on the weather chance
atmos_weather_lighting 0 // - toggle the ability for weather to affect lighting
// atmos_dnc_gettime - gets the current time
// atmos_dnc_settime 0-24 - sets the current time
// atmos_startstorm - starts a storm
// atmos_stopstorm - stops any running storm
// atmos_snowenabled
// atmos_startsnow
// atmos_stopsnow
Server OS: I am renting through Nitrous Servers and I believe its linux.
Processor: They use Xenon Processors
Game(s): Garry's mod
Start Up Command: My Batch File Includes
Admin Mods: I am Not Using a Source Mod Mod, I am Using ULX/Ullysses
I am having Issues where My Clients Don't get Updated Enough and they Loose Packets. Its not actual packet loss.
My Server CFG
sv_lan "0"
sv_region "255"
//sv_password "70%"
sbox_godmode 0
sbox_noclip 0
sbox_maxprops 75
sbox_maxragdolls 0
sbox_maxnpcs 900
sbox_maxballoons 0
sbox_maxeffects 0
sbox_maxdynamite 0
sbox_maxlamps 0
sbox_maxthrusters 0
sbox_maxwheels 0
sbox_maxhoverballs 0
sbox_maxvehicles 1
sbox_maxbuttons 10
sbox_maxsents 20
sbox_maxemitters 0
sv_gravity 400
// sv_loadingurl "http://www.thencbacommunity.com/darkrpone/?steamid=%s"
sv_loadingurl "http://www.thencbacommunity.com/darkrp/"
sv_allowdownload 0
sv_allowupload 0
net_maxfilesize "1280000"
// Test Convars
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 30000
sv_mincmdrate 0
sv_maxcmdrate 100
sv_minupdaterate 0
sv_maxupdaterate 100
// rate 750
//cl_cmdrate 30
//cl_updaterate 30
//rate 30000
// Test Convars Not Network Wise
sv_alternateticks "0"
sv_client_predict "1"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference 20
exec banned_ip.cfg
exec banned_user.cfg
// Cuffs Convars
cuffs_restrictarrest:0 // [DarkRP] Players must be handcuffed to be arrested.
cuffs_autoarrest: 0 // [DarkRP] Players are automatically arrested when handcuffed by a police job.
cuffs_restrictsuicide: 1 // Handcuffed players cannot suicide.
cuffs_restrictteams: 1 // Handcuffed players cannot change team (or job in DarkRP)
cuffs_allowbreakout: 1 // Handcuffed players can break out of their restraints. Does not affect other players freeing them.
cuffs_restrictvehicle: 1 // Handcuffed players cannot enter vehicles.
// Atmos Weather Mod Convars
atmos_reset // - resets all server settings to their default values
atmos_enabled 1 // - enable or disable atmos entirely
atmos_paused 0 // - pause time progression
atmos_realtime 0 // - enable or disable atmos using the servers local time zone
atmos_weather 0 // - enable or disable weather
atmos_log 0 // - toggle logging atmos events to console
atmos_dnc_length_day 1200 // - determines at what rate time progress during daytime
atmos_dnc_length_night 1600 // - determines at what rate time progress during nighttime
atmos_weather_length 500 // - how many seconds weather will last
atmos_weather_chance 1 // - the % chance weather will occur
atmos_weather_delay 3600 // - the delay in seconds atmos will do a dice roll to trigger weather based on the weather chance
atmos_weather_lighting 0 // - toggle the ability for weather to affect lighting
// atmos_dnc_gettime - gets the current time
// atmos_dnc_settime 0-24 - sets the current time
// atmos_startstorm - starts a storm
// atmos_stopstorm - stops any running storm
// atmos_snowenabled
// atmos_startsnow
// atmos_stopsnow