Hi, so I bought a 4-core VPS server from a GSP and I am currently running 4 servers from it (1 server per core), Im running 3 gmod servers and 1 TF2 server. My main gmod server, which is darkrp and has 45 slots, uses a lot more CPU then my other servers, and if I don't assign it to its own core it causes other servers, and itself, to get lag spikes and random FPS drops. I have tried using the /affinity command in the startup line, but it never starts on the right core. Example: If I have /affinity 3 on the startup line, it would use cores 1 & 2, or if I was to put /affinity 1 or 4, they both use core 2. And I know that for windows anyway, core 1 is considered core 0, but if I put /affinity 0 in the startup line, the server refuses to start and displays an error that I cant read because the window seems to try and "spam" restart the server so fast it just flickers. My startup line for my Gmod server is:
My CPU is: Intel Xeon E5-2690 @ 2.9 GHz, And I have 4 GB of ram. Like I said, this is a VPS, so maybe that's why its not working right. I Don't know. Anyway, thanks for any help in advance.
start /abovenormal /affinity 3 /wait C:\con_gaming\srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +gamemode darkrp +port 27015 +map rp_downtown_v4c -maxplayers 45