SRCDS Steam group

ULX Menu Broken?
Ok, so I created a server with the ulx/ulib admin mod and it works.
However, when I pull up the menu, the cmds don't show and I can't access the groups tab. I did set myself superadmin using:
ulx adduser asdPlayer2 superadmin
But it doesn't show the groups tab on the menu. I don't know where the
garrysmod/data/ulib/groups.txt is located, can anyone give me a video guide or pictures? Also, the commands still work fine, but I need an easier way of accessing group abilities.

[Image: 2h88z7s.jpg]
These two pics are proof that I put myself superadmin.
[Image: 14dj155.jpg]
[Image: 2vjwxok.jpg]
This shows the ulx menu. I don't have the "groups" tab for "bans".
[Image: qydfgl.jpg]
I cannot do votemaps or vote gamemodes either.
[Image: rhlk5x.jpg]
I can't set server sbox settings either.

Also, here are pics of my file directories, I can't find the
garrysmod/data/ulib/groups.txt folder in which I cannot fix this.
[Image: 2ue649z.jpg]
[Image: 2a5ds9.jpg]

Admin Mod: ULX
Game: Garry's Mod
Server Type: Dedicated (listen)
Directory of ulx/ulib: Server Root
Server Starter: start.bat
Gamemode: Sandbox
Any edits?: I edited the motd, gimps, and I changed the
gamemode to DarkRP, but then it ruined all my ranks and menu specs.

Please reply if you need more information about something... this is
my first post.
I am having the same problem, and i use srcds console to give me superadmin, and when i do that, my name has a sheild and is gold (deathrun server) but yet i have NO powers. And not only that, but everytime i change maps, it takes away my super admin... Although i dont have deathrun a default, and i'm trying to get it to default, maybe that has something to do with it. My friend gave me a command to give me back powers, but i forgot it, and he is asleep, but if i can get it to you, it may help. Btw the 2nd picture doesnt proove what you're trying to say, because you dont have a map selected...
The ULX menu is a popular admin menu used in Garry's Mod. If the ULX menu is broken, it can be frustrating for server administrators as it may prevent them from being able to manage their servers effectively. You need to visit here takeaway menu and learn more new ways to review services. Troubleshooting steps may include checking for conflicts with other addons or reinstalling the ULX menu.

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