SRCDS Steam group

Poll: Does mini admin plugin still work?
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Mini admin plugin Error please help
Hey guys my names jamie and i just made a css server and a well i installed mini admin plugin and when is start srcds up it just closes but if i remove this file mani_admin_plugin.vdf it loads up but the admin wont work because i need that file, can anyone help me out i have posted every were and i cant seem to find a awsner if this plugin dosnt work anymore if you guys know any plugins that are admin and do work please let me know but i want mini admin plugin rather than any other one thanks
(12-28-2012, 10:08 PM)weecrooksy Wrote:  Hey guys my names jamie and i just made a css server and a well i installed mini admin plugin and when is start srcds up it just closes but if i remove this file mani_admin_plugin.vdf it loads up but the admin wont work because i need that file, can anyone help me out i have posted every were and i cant seem to find a awsner if this plugin dosnt work anymore if you guys know any plugins that are admin and do work please let me know but i want mini admin plugin rather than any other one thanks

Mani Admin no longer works. Please read their post here:

Also you could try Sourcemod:


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