SRCDS Steam group

SOS How to get my server in steam server list?
Hello everyone, i'm trying to host a server but i got stuck.
I have downloaded Hlds update tool from steam, i've done everything perfectly, but i'm missing 1 little thing.
I went to gametrackers added the server + claimed it.
People connect to my server, and play on it. but when i ask if they found my server in the steam server list, they all tell me that they get the server adress (ip + port) from gametracker, which means that my server is not in the steam server list, i have looked for it but i cant find it not even at my friends house.
How do i get my server in the steam server list? i have tried the heartbeat thing, doesnt work i have tried many things but i have failed all the way ;-)
I dont get it.
I used to have a server once, i remember that in the lan section it shows up with the internal ip, i could also add the server to favourites using my external ip, and when i used to click find servers in the general steam server list, my server used to show up first with the lowest latency rate, because it was the closest to me.
Now i can only add and connect to my server to favourites using my internal ip. and again The server does not show up in the general steam server list Somebody please help.

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