SRCDS Steam group

Launch Option Settings Problem Need Help
I have L4d and L4d2 running on a Win Vista machine. I have not had the servers up for about 2 months. Yesterday I thought I'd run them. Due to some recent updates I had to update both of them. I did this and they connect to steam and run. However when I try to connect from a win 7 system I can see my server on the steam community server list as normal. Butl when I try to connect i get an server can't connect because the launch option is set to -insecure not secure I checked out the launch options and its blank. What do I put in the launch option settiog box? Can someone please help me set the steam launch option????? I also get the same problem when i try to connect to any other steam communitu server..
The error message :
Warning you have "-insecure" in the launch options which will prevent you form connecting to Vac secured servers.

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