Server OS: CentOS 6 64-bit
Processor: FX-4100 3.6Ghz Quad Core
Game(s): Team Fortress 2
Start Up Command: ./orangebox/srcds_run -console -game tf -nohltv -condebug +maxplayers 33 +ip -port 27020 +exec "server.cfg" +map "dm_ponyville_b7" +fps_max 500
Admin Mods: Metamod, Sourcemod, EventScripts
The problem is simple. At 24+ players, the server starts to lag more and more till it becomes unbearable at 32. It causes popularity damage and the server is always less than 24 because of that.
General server CPU usage is below 50% at all times and does NOT spike when the gameserver lags. Same with RAM usage.
Server is on 100 mbit/s port. Upload and download speed history were checked and it did NOT go over 5 mbit/s at any given moment.
Gameserver rates:
66 tickrate
sv_maxcmdrate 66
sv_maxupdaterate 67
Processor: FX-4100 3.6Ghz Quad Core
Game(s): Team Fortress 2
Start Up Command: ./orangebox/srcds_run -console -game tf -nohltv -condebug +maxplayers 33 +ip -port 27020 +exec "server.cfg" +map "dm_ponyville_b7" +fps_max 500
Admin Mods: Metamod, Sourcemod, EventScripts
The problem is simple. At 24+ players, the server starts to lag more and more till it becomes unbearable at 32. It causes popularity damage and the server is always less than 24 because of that.
General server CPU usage is below 50% at all times and does NOT spike when the gameserver lags. Same with RAM usage.
Server is on 100 mbit/s port. Upload and download speed history were checked and it did NOT go over 5 mbit/s at any given moment.
Gameserver rates:
66 tickrate
sv_maxcmdrate 66
sv_maxupdaterate 67