SRCDS Steam group

Server crash on map change.
Hey guys,

I'm currently getting some sort of error for the css server we are hosting when we try to change the map from hlsw or ingame the server will crash and go back to the default map on the command line, heres a photo of the error I'm getting:

[Image: debug.png]

Server: VPS
Game(s): Counter strike source
Start Up Command: ./srcds_run +ip +hostport 27015 -game cstrike +map cs_office -maxplayers 24 -debug
Admin Mods: Nothing has been installed yet.
Do me a favor and try just using the command "map" in order to change the map. So in your console type "map de_dust2" without the quotes and see if it can change without crashing.

It would also help if we got the specs of your VPS and the company you're hosting with.
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Nup, still crashs the server i tryed in console map de_dust2 and specs are: CPU (MHz) 4000Ram (MB) 4000
I know the map command has always crashed my servers for me, even now it still crashes. I've never had that problem with changelevel though...

Try installing sourcemod/metamod and using the map change command there. The map change command for sourcemod is "sm_map de_dust2".
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Nup, still crashing the server! I have no idea why it's doing this never had the problem before.
What OS are you running your servers on.
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@koz the map command restarts the server with the map you specifyed no wonder it crashes
We had this error before too, I'll try and find out how to fix it Smile

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