SRCDS Steam group

[Resolved] Stuck in LAN mode only without error message
EDIT: I can't believe I didn't see that. Fixed.

I posted this in the General forums, but decided to delete that and move it here once I saw people fix what I think is a similar problem, already.

So, for the past few days, I've been running a private TF2 server for MVM. Everything was going amazing...until a day or two ago. Suddenly, my server was LAN-only. Nothing was changed, it just was suddenly...LAN, and now nobody can connect. Now, I know about this error:

* Unable to load Steam support library.*
* Unable to load Steam support library.*
* This server will operate in LAN mode only.*
* This server will operate in LAN mode only.*

But, that's not what I'm getting. I don't even see anything wrong in the server code, which is here:

66.7 fps  0/32 on map        mvm_decoy
Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Team Fortress"
maxplayers set to 32
No '-replayserverdir' parameter found - using default replay folder.
Replay: Creating thread pool...succeeded.
Replay: Starting thread pool with 4 threads...succeeded.
Cleaning files from temp dir, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\ringmaster
x\source 2007 dedicated server\tf\replay\server\tmp\" files removed.
Unknown command "r_decal_cullsize"
maxplayers set to 32
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
SoundEmitter:  adding map sound overrides from scripts/mvm_level_sounds.txt [138
4 total, 1334 replacements, 60 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter:  adding map sound overrides from scripts/mvm_level_sound_tweaks.tx
t [11 total, 11 replacements, 11 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter:  adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_vo_mvm.txt [2
197 total, 28 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
SoundEmitter:  adding map sound overrides from scripts/game_sounds_vo_mvm_mighty
.txt [1434 total, 0 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]
material models/player/items/all_class/all_class_ring_setting has a normal map a
nd $basealphaenvmapmask.  Must use $normalmapalphaenvmapmask to get specular.

Invalid wave number
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
Logging into anonymous gameserver account.
sv_pure value unchanged (current value is 0).
exec banned_user.cfg: file size larger than 1 MB!
exec banned_ip.cfg: file size larger than 1 MB!
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Server logging enabled.
Server logging data to file logs\L0823004.log
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:15: Log file started (file "logs\L0823004.log") (game "C:\P
rogram Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\ringmasterx\source 2007 dedicated server\tf")
(version "5028")
Unknown command "mp_autoteambalance_delay"
Unknown command "mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay"
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:15: server_cvar: "mp_stalemate_enable" "1"
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:15: server_cvar: "mp_timelimit" "35"
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:15: server_cvar: "decalfrequency" "30"
'mvm_decoy.cfg' not present; not executing.
Sending CMsgGameServerMatchmakingStatus (state=ServerMatchmakingState_NOT_PARTIC
Setting sv_visiblemaxplayers to 6 for MvM
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:3863798788(3061)].
VAC secure mode is activated.
Connection to game coordinator established.
Current item schema is up-to-date with version 3E2F01F3.
Received auth challenge; signing into gameserver account...
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:17: Received auth challenge; signing into gameserver accoun
Game server authentication: SUCCESS! Standing: Bad. Trend: Steady
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:17: Game server authentication: SUCCESS! Standing: Bad. Tre
nd: Steady
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:17: server_cvar: "sv_registration_message" ""
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:17: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "mvm"
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:17: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "mvm"
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:17: server_cvar: "sv_registration_successful" "1"
L 08/23/2012 - 12:29:17: server_cvar: "sv_tags" "_registered,mvm"

(I believe that the recent change to a "bad" standing is the multiple connections and disconnections I've done on the LAN server)

And, when I join the server, this is in the in-game console:

Quote:WARNING: Port 27015 was unavailable - bound to port 27016 instead
WARNING: Port 27005 was unavailable - bound to port 27006 instead
WARNING: Port 27020 was unavailable - bound to port 27021 instead
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27016 SV / 27006 CL

Thinking this was the problem, I rechecked the ports. Nothing was different, the same configuration I used when it was working was still there:

[Image: koGLV.png]

How can I fix this?

For those that need it, here's the start.bat command line:

Quote:echo 440> steam_appid.txt
start /wait srcds.exe -console -steam -game tf +maxplayers 32 +sv_lan 0 +map mvm_decoy +sv_password (removed) +tf_server_identity_account_id (removed) +tf_server_identity_token "(removed)"

If this could be fixed by that steam_appid file that fixed the first LAN problem, where would I put that? I don't have a "srcds_run" file or a "orangebox" folder. I have a "srcds" file and a "tf2" folder, would that work?
I'm having a serious case of brain fart and have no idea how to fix what appears to be the exact same problem. This is my first time setting up a dedicated server. Could you please tell me what it is you did to fix it?

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