SRCDS Steam group

notd_store database ? help
"driver_default" "mysql"

// When specifying "host", you may use an IP address, a hostname, or a socket file path

"driver" "default"
"host" "localhost"
"database" "sourcemod"
"user" "root"
"pass" ""
//"timeout" "0"
//"port" "0"

"driver" "sqlite"
"database" "sourcemod-local"

"driver" "sqlite"
"host" "localhost"
"database" "clientprefs-sqlite"
"user" "root"
"pass" ""
//"timeout" "0"
//"port" "0"

"driver_default" "mysql"

"driver" "default"
"host" "localhost"
"database" "store"
"user" "notd"
"pass" "notd"
//"timeout" "0"
//"port" "0"

thats mine atm it says

L 04/02/2012 - 15:56:50: [notd_store.smx] Database failure: Could not find database conf "store"
You've got two Databases in that, euh.. Like, you only need to add the "store" section to the already existing one, like this:

"driver_default"     "mysql"

// When specifying "host", you may use an IP address, a hostname, or a socket file path

"driver"     "default"
"host"     "localhost"
"database"     "sourcemod"
"user"     "root"
"pass"     ""
//"timeout"     "0"
//"port"     "0"

"driver"     "sqlite"
"database"     "sourcemod-local"

"driver"     "default"
"host"     "localhost"
"database"     "store"
"user"     "notd"
"pass"     "notd"
//"timeout"     "0"
//"port"     "0"

"driver"     "sqlite"
"host"     "localhost"
"database"     "clientprefs-sqlite"
"user"     "root"
"pass"     ""
//"timeout"     "0"
//"port"     "0"

thanks but this plugin is buggy.
anybody have a store plugin for counter strike source ?

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