SRCDS Steam group

Latest TF2 Patch won't update with srcds
*edit* Urgh, move this to the Windows section, please. I messed up.

Server OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intelcore i7-2820QM? Not sure what a processor is. Not good with computer Toungue
Ram: 8GB
Game(s): TF2
Start Up Command: hldsupdatetool -command update -game "tf" -dir c:\srcds
Admin Mods: Sourcemod

I've been able to update my TF2 server fine with all of their other updates, but ever since the latest update (Feb 9th 2012) it refuses to move.

I had let the update window open for 9 HOURS all in which it stayed at "Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Content' version 313.

I restarted it and it stayed at 5% for an hour, restarted it again, it updated and stopped at 24.66% for an hour, now I restarted it again and it's stuck at 11.63%. But I've reset it many more times in which it stays at "Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Content' version 313. All those other times it updates quickly and you can see the percentage go up, but then it gets stuck and doesn't move for a long long time.

It's driving me nuts. Please tell me this is a common problem and can be fixed easily.

*Edit* So I added a -retry at the end of the command line (hldsupdatetool -command update -game "tf" -dir c:\srcds -retry)
And it seemed to work comepletely.

But..what the hell was going on? Why was it giving me those problems before hand when I never had to type -retry?

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