SRCDS Steam group

Router port forwarding problems
If i try to port forward any 2 ports, i get the error, "Policy 0 and Policy 1 overlaps." BTW i have a RVS4000 router, PLZ help.
You have a port policy that is blocking the port.
Delete it and try to create an allow policy

EDIT: You say 2 ports...
Try only portforwarding 27015 TCP
UDP is not necessary to portforward.

Many people say that you _NEED_ to portforward 27014-27050 TCP and 1200, 3478, 4379-4380, 27000-27030 UDP... You only need port 27015 TCP which is the standard port for source games. Only forward one port per server...
So you open... 45 holes in TCP and 34 holes in UDP = 79 holes for hackers... Sounds like a good idea, am I right?
You're false, port 27015 UDP is required (the game port), not 27015 TCP (RCON).

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