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This is how much vape waste I made in a single month
Lyric Waiwiri-Smith is a culture reporter for Stuff who has been vaping for four years.

COMMENT: It's easily the most disgusting thing I do not just to myself, but to the planet.

I’d sooner let myself suffer from dehydration than buy a plastic water bottle, I’m carless with my primary mode of transportation being walking, and most of my wardrobe has been sourced from slow fashion brands and thrift stores – yet when it comes to my vape, I’m a sucker for a cheap puff.

I started smoking cigarettes in 2019 during a trip through Europe, where a pack of cigarettes cost around NZ$9, and after returning to New Zealand, purchasing packs for $28 (the cheapest price at that time) quickly became financially unsustainable.

I decided to wean myself off cigarettes by vaping – now, four years later, I’m still addicted to nicotine, but instead of a cigarette, I’m hooked on my vape.

From the start, I have always owned a vape that relies on pods, rather than one with a built-in vape tank and coil.

Pods contain the e-liquid (or ‘vape juice’), are bought separately from the vape and are wasted when finished and replaced with a new pod.

After years of chucking packet after packet of pods away, I wondered if my wish to live sustainably could help me quit. I decided to spend a month collecting all of my vape waste to better visualise how much rubbish I’m producing from this habit.

I ended up coming away with 12 empty packets of vape pods from December 2022 to January 2022, smoking three pods worth of vape liquid a week, meaning one pod will typically only last me two or three days.

For my Relx-brand vape, pod packet comes with a few extras, including a printed User Agreement outlining possible adverse side effects and general advice on using and maintaining your vape, which I’ve actually never read until now.

Inside the cardboard packet is a separate plastic case which holds the pod, and attached to the pod itself is bits and pieces of plastic, presumably used to prevent leakage of the e-liquid.

There are four different pieces of removable plastic that come with the pod, meaning that for the 12 vape pods I used this month, 48 little pieces of plastic were incorporated into my waste.

I always recycle the cardboard packaging of my vape products, however everything else is chucked into a rubbish bin and sent to landfill, and admittedly there have been occasions where I have found those little plastic bits strewn around my flat and have worried if I’ve also accidentally dropped some on the street.

In a single month, I spent $120 on 1.9ml pods of vape juice, which is roughly the same amount as my monthly power bill. If I continue smoking the same amount each month of the rest of the year, I’ll be spending $1440 on vape liquids for 2023.
i found this website and instantly bought 50 bucks worth of supply totally forgetting that i could've gotten severely scammed i wait 2 of the 2-5 business days it takes for it to arrive then i got concerned and i emailed the support team who 30 min later emailed me back and assured me that my elf-bar would come and i kid u not the next day i got my package def using website again i'm totally stoked!
The article made me feel both sympathetic and troubled, seeing the struggle between Retro Bowl the desire to live sustainably and habits that are hard to give up, while emphasizing the profound impact of personal choices on the environment.
I highly recommend you experience retro bowl 25—a game that will immerse you in the colorful world of football and exciting challenges!

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