SRCDS Steam group

All of a sudden srcds fails to allow people to connect to my server
Hi ive had srcds working for a really long time and all of a sudden when my computer needed my router to be un-plugged and re-plugged in to fix a connection issue it was having to my computer I noticed that my srcds server nobody was able to join on my servers anymore a.k.a the common problem "Server is not responding..." issue. I checked my ports they were the same and my command line is still the same just as I had always left them when my srcds server was working that people could join it.

My srcds command line: C:\tf2\orangebox\srcds.exe -game tf -console -port 27015 +exec server.cfg +maxplayers 32 +map arena_watchtower

Could a simple router restart completely effect the IP and ports of srcds? Im really confused what is even happening with srcds anymore. Oh and the network IP its using is and the ports get randomly assigned 27015 through 27050 as it always did. Please I just need this simple fix and I just got Source Mod installed on my srcds (No Source Mod did not cause this, this has been going on before it was even installed) and I really want to host the many game modes and fun plug-ins it has to offer to players! Sad
Are you trying to connect to your server with the 192.168.XXX.XXX ip address? Or are you trying to connect to it from the outside? If you are running your server locally only from inside your house find out what ip is assigned to the machine running it and add that ip to the srcds command line. Example +ip

If you are trying to connect to your server from the outside find what your external ip is using By resetting your router you more than likely reset the ip address assigned to the machine running your server.

(10-11-2011, 06:53 PM)MrEd Wrote:  Are you trying to connect to your server with the 192.168.XXX.XXX ip address? Or are you trying to connect to it from the outside? If you are running your server locally only from inside your house find out what ip is assigned to the machine running it and add that ip to the srcds command line. Example +ip

If you are trying to connect to your server from the outside find what your external ip is using By resetting your router you more than likely reset the ip address assigned to the machine running your server.


Ok, ill explain everything and my history with srcds. When I got it i installed it, started it up collect info with cvar and console commands and stuff, srcds was working and I had the ports all fowarded good to go. (also my srcds can run without port fowarding my router is very video game friendly dealing with ports but I have ports fowarded just incase) And I always connected to my server in the LAN tab for TF2 people saw it in the server list people can click on my name and join me etc.. boring stuff.

I never changed any settings or set up a static ip or anything for srcds, but then I had to reset my router for regular maintenance and I can still connect to my server but other people cant with the server not responding issue. The IP srcds is using when I see it start up is its using the network which I think is my internal and it port 27015 and it says for my server info. And I tried connecting to my server from my external ip and the same port but failed connection after 4 really nothing has changed but im guessing like you said IP's got messed up and switched around, but I never set srcds to any ip when I first got it so what should I do? It seemed to assign itself to an IP I think when I first started it up.

And sorry for the big bulk of text I know you really dont feel like reading it all but its all the information I think might be useful. So thanks.


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