SRCDS Steam group

Map Rotation Cortex
Ok i wanted to add a bunch of maps all at once. So i downloaded a bunch and ziped them all up into one file. I then uploaded it to my server and then unziped it there just like if i was adding maps to my game. Then i edited the maplist and all that kinda stuff and when im in cortex i cant add the new maps i added to the map rotation. So i think hmm cortex must be reading a file and it not be there so i find this file that is called DownloadLists and it has maps that i downloaded to the server threw cortex in there. they havfe .lst on the end of them. Im just curious if i download one of these and then edit it to be all the maps i made will it work? Im just spitballing it here.
[Image: a.jpg]
Also what is the .ain files in the graph folder?
[Image: a.jpg]
im not sure.. cortex handles map lists and map cycles wierd, back when i used it, i avoided them =) make a new file calld mapcycle1.txt, put your maps in it, and put in the server.cfg "mapcyclefile mapcycle1.txt" and theres your new map cycle =)totally out of cortex's control, lol. cuz when i used it, it was a pain in the butt to do it through cortex.
thank you so so so much that worked!
[Image: a.jpg]
i know it does Wink
no offence, but cortex sounds rubbish Wink Gaming Servers
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yeaaa.. it is.. its kinda nice. i guess.. but more of a pain in the asss

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