SRCDS Steam group

[Solved] SRCDS Problem?
Hey guys, I recently decided to make a Counter-Strike:Source dedicated serving using SRCDS. I got everything I needed following a tutorial and I got to the end, when I had to run SRCDS.exe. I created the shortcut on my desktop and filled in the target as C:\SRCDS\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +ip +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust. When I double click on srcds.exe the screen does not come up. It opens in task manager for a couple seconds, but then it closes. I try to run it with a batch file but it says that srcds.exe closed or crashed. I cannot figure out anyway to open my server. I also reinstalled all of the files and verified that I had them all. Please help!
Well, this is the Linux section so you might want to move this post. However, I'd recommend opening a command prompt and running the command from there. That way any error messages thrown by the server will still be displayed and you could provide us with some more helpful information.

Also, this is marked as solved with no reply. If the problem is solved, please post the solution for the benefit of others.

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