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cpu 100%
jeg har et stort problem, en af mine 6 css servere brugere i gennemsnit 95% cpu pr. sec. og der er kun 6 joined

men en anden server med 100% de samme plugins.. køre med 10% cpu pr. sec hvor der joind mere end 20 players..

så wtf?

sourcerpg, cssdm, sourcemod, noblock, kac, eventscripts, crazyrank.
ubuntu server 10.10

hvad er der galt her?
[Image: 1357982730.png]
(betaler: 10/10 Mbit, 189kr md.)
Prøv at fjern de addons på de servere hvor det går helt galt.

Og hvad for en CPU har du?
jeg har en AMD Athlon II X2 250 3.0GHz
2GB ram 1066 MHz

det er først begyndt at lagge med mit nye bundkort efter det gamle brændt af.. det nye: Gigabyte GA-M68M-S2P (

men det sjove er den anden ikke lagger??
prøver lige at fumle lidt med plugins...
[Image: 1357982730.png]
(betaler: 10/10 Mbit, 189kr md.)
(01-25-2011, 07:07 AM)wwwtii Wrote:  jeg har en AMD Athlon II X2 250 3.0GHz
2GB ram 1066 MHz

men det sjove er den anden ikke lagger??
prøver lige at fumle lidt med plugins...

Nææ 100% ydelse er ikke = lag Smile

Men dog, 6 servere på 2 kerner af 3.0GHz. Det er vist lige på kanten Big Grin Eller hvor mange slots er de servere på? Det kan også være at den viser forkert angående CPU %. Smile
My CPU usage is too high, what can I do about it?

Linux isn't able to measure the CPU usage reliable. Also the stats rcon command outputs anything but a reliable cpu usage.

Simple reason: The linux kernel samples CPU usage at best 1000 times per second (once per kernel tick, like set with the CONFIG_HZ option). If the server has 1000 fps it switches 1000 times per second between the sleeping and the running state. So how should the kernel estimate the cpu usage? You can simply ignore it. Instead look at other values. The uptime command prints the "load average", i.e. the number of processes in "runnable" state at the same time (average over 1, 5 and 15 minutes). "runnable" means the process wants to have cpu time. So a "runnable" proccess it is either waiting until a cpu is free, or it is actually running. Values of the "load average" higher than your number of CPUs clearly indicate an overload. In fact for game servers it should be always considerably lower than your number of CPUs. Unfortunately I do not know a way to obtain this value for single processes...

PS: Kører du ubuntu på din desktop PC? Big Grin (billederne på var taget fra en ubuntu pc Big Grin)
[Image: b_350_20_692108_381007_FFFFFF_000000.png]
I only have 1 server Sad
nej men jeg bruger ubuntu desktop til programmering.. serverne køre på en pc for sig selv..

der er ca 90 slot ialt.. men har altid kunne køre dem alle uden lag eller noget.. derfor er det underligt at den er begyndt på dette..

skal siges til dalig er der kun Connectet 30 - 40 slot..
[Image: 1357982730.png]
(betaler: 10/10 Mbit, 189kr md.)
(01-25-2011, 11:16 PM)wwwtii Wrote:  nej men jeg bruger ubuntu desktop til programmering.. serverne køre på en pc for sig selv..

der er ca 90 slot ialt.. men har altid kunne køre dem alle uden lag eller noget.. derfor er det underligt at den er begyndt på dette..

skal siges til dalig er der kun Connectet 30 - 40 slot..

(01-25-2011, 08:28 AM)klausenbusk Wrote:
My CPU usage is too high, what can I do about it?

Linux isn't able to measure the CPU usage reliable. Also the stats rcon command outputs anything but a reliable cpu usage.

Simple reason: The linux kernel samples CPU usage at best 1000 times per second (once per kernel tick, like set with the CONFIG_HZ option). If the server has 1000 fps it switches 1000 times per second between the sleeping and the running state. So how should the kernel estimate the cpu usage? You can simply ignore it. Instead look at other values. The uptime command prints the "load average", i.e. the number of processes in "runnable" state at the same time (average over 1, 5 and 15 minutes). "runnable" means the process wants to have cpu time. So a "runnable" proccess it is either waiting until a cpu is free, or it is actually running. Values of the "load average" higher than your number of CPUs clearly indicate an overload. In fact for game servers it should be always considerably lower than your number of CPUs. Unfortunately I do not know a way to obtain this value for single processes...

PS: Kører du ubuntu på din desktop PC? Big Grin (billederne på var taget fra en ubuntu pc Big Grin)
Big Grin

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