SRCDS Steam group

CSS/DODS/HL2DM/TF2 Update Released (12-17-10)
Jason Ruymen Wrote:Required updates to Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

Engine changes (TF2/CS/DOD):
 - Improved sv_pure:
      - Materials / Models / Sounds / Animations are more comprehensively protected.
      - Switched from CRC to MD5 hashes for stronger per-file validation.
      - Fixed some issues between custom files and server whitelists over level changes.
 - Added HL2:MP to the list of dedicated server games when starting a server via the Tools tab in the Library

Team Fortress 2
 - Added Medieval Mode, a game mode where players are restricted to using olde weapons.
 - 'Your Eternal Reward' changes:
      - Spies can now change their disguise weapon via 'lastdiguise' while using 'Your Eternal Reward'
      - Already-disguised 'Your Eternal Reward' Spies are no longer forced to switch to displaying the melee weapon when they make a kill
      - Spies no longer play speech lines when making a kill with 'Your Eternal Reward'
      - Sentries no longer track 'Your Eternal Reward' Spies after they backstab someone
 - 'Natascha' changes:
      - Spin-up time increased.
      - Slowdown-on-hit effect is reduced over distance.
 - Added 'The Medi-eval Medic', 'The Hibernating Bear', and 'The Expert's Ordnance' item sets.
 - Added new weapons: 'The Claidheamohmor', 'The Back Scratcher', 'The Boston Basher', 'The Fists of Steel', 'The Amputator', 'The Crusader's Crossbow', 'The Ullapool Caber', 'The Loch-n-Load', 'The Buffalo Steak Sandvich', 'The Brass Beast', 'The Warrior's Spirit', 'The Candy Cane', and 'The Jag'.
 - Added 20 new hats.
 - Added a prototype item testing map, and associated functionality, for contributors to test their work. Further details in an upcoming blog post.
 - Spies can now see TargetID's of players and objects regardless of their own disguise status.
 - Fixed some speech lines continuing after the speaker changes class
 - The Spy 'Sap Auteur' achievement now increments in cases where the Spy was the assister in the building destruction.
 - Fixed the arrow burning effect getting stuck on if you changed class in a respawn room with your arrow lit.
 - Fixed a Flamethrower bug that allowed players to rapidly fake the Pyro's airblast effect.
 - Throwing the Jarate or Milk now returns you to your previous weapon, instead of your Primary.
 - Added leaderboard to track duel wins.
 - Added ability for players to donate money directly to the creators of their favorite community maps.
 - Increased backpack size by 100 slots.

I have three windows-based servers (2x windows 2008 server and 1x windows7) hosting CS:S, TF2.

After this update, none of my games launches anymore ... anyone experienced the same?
(12-18-2010, 12:55 PM)kenzuke Wrote:  I have three windows-based servers (2x windows 2008 server and 1x windows7) hosting CS:S, TF2.

After this update, none of my games launches anymore ... anyone experienced the same?

Same here....

I run my servers from a core i5 windows 7 box.

After this update, servers didn't start.

I tried unistalling some plugins, also check sv_pure 0 but nothing happened.

So wtf VALVE?
sure have, my dods servers wont launch.


You never update it with anything decent. You only concentrate on css and tf2. So next time you update MAKE IT FOR ONLY CSS AND TF2.

Anywho i have had my rant. But yes, no servers will launch after update, and the servers that havnt updated do not show up in servers lists.
(12-18-2010, 01:02 PM)L33t_Of_Lag Wrote:  sure have, my dods servers wont launch.


You never update it with anything decent. You only concentrate on css and tf2. So next time you update MAKE IT FOR ONLY CSS AND TF2.

Anywho i have had my rant. But yes, no servers will launch after update, and the servers that havnt updated do not show up in servers lists.

Oh the server-owners hosting from linux are getting some new regulars right now Toungue
Also can't get any of my srcds servers to run on Windows 2k8. Need help Sad
We are on another thread (windows general).
Here's the fix I'm using from the #hlserveradmins channel.

It appears you can fix windows by copying the FileSystem_Steam.dll from the multiplayer ob binaries.cfg client file, then placing it in the orangebox/bin folder and renaming it to filesystem_stdio.dll.

I've extracted and renamed that file and put it in a rar for you guys if you're lazy. My servers are working now. Just extract that rar to your orangebox/bin folder and restart.
I just applied this update to my Linux server (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS). All is well, except no metamod (and thus no sourcemod) which = one really effed up role play!

This is all console says about it on start up:

Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using breakpad minidump system

Console initialized.
ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Game.dll loaded for "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch"
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile: No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_c17.txt
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile: No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_town.txt
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile: No such file scripts/npc_sounds_stalker.txt
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile: No such file scripts/npc_sounds_gman.txt
PARTICLE SYSTEM: Unable to load manifest file 'particles/particles_manifest.txt'
Failed to load plugin "../hl2mp/addons/metamod/bin/server"
maxplayers set to 16
maxplayers set to 16

......and it goes on to allow players to connect just fine, except its a completely stock server.

Any insight or similar issues? Thanks....

Server is at
Yeah, the insight is, you're getting a free OS on your server and get to update your server with no hassles. AKA, anyone that has a Windows server and pays monthly is getting fucked in the ass by VALVe.
Check out Whiteys Lair Smile
lol...Linux users are FAAAAR from immune to these games (no pun intended). I cringe every single time I update because its ALWAYS something. Out of maybe 100 times I've ever had to update my server, at least 75 of them failed and I'm left with my d**ck in the dirt for days until somebody releases a fix or I find a workaround.

This move to orangebox has taken at least 10 years off of my life, due to the stress its caused me in keeping my sh**t running.
(12-18-2010, 03:14 PM)regimen Wrote:  This move to orangebox has taken at least 10 years off of my life, due to the stress its caused me in keeping my sh**t running.

Now you're getting the picture!
Check out Whiteys Lair Smile
Oh, I should also mention it runs me about $130/mo to rent dedicated hardware, so "free" should be used

Anyway, not to steer off topic... The lack of replies flooding in is unnerving. Makes me wonder what this topic will look like tomorrow. Either it will be another source server apocalypse followed by an update or windows will get fixed and i'll be floating out in the "metamod quit working" ocean all by my lonsome Sad
(12-18-2010, 01:02 PM)L33t_Of_Lag Wrote:  sure have, my dods servers wont launch.


You never update it with anything decent. You only concentrate on css and tf2. So next time you update MAKE IT FOR ONLY CSS AND TF2.

Anywho i have had my rant. But yes, no servers will launch after update, and the servers that havnt updated do not show up in servers lists.
It's impossible, they changed things in the engine and all games running this engine will be affected.
[Image: b_350_20_692108_381007_FFFFFF_000000.png]

[Image: b_350_20_692108_381007_FFFFFF_000000.png]
(12-19-2010, 01:15 AM)LordMarqus Wrote:  
(12-18-2010, 01:02 PM)L33t_Of_Lag Wrote:  sure have, my dods servers wont launch.


You never update it with anything decent. You only concentrate on css and tf2. So next time you update MAKE IT FOR ONLY CSS AND TF2.

Anywho i have had my rant. But yes, no servers will launch after update, and the servers that havnt updated do not show up in servers lists.
It's impossible, they changed things in the engine and all games running this engine will be affected.
Does anyone know the fix for SM for windows. I have upgraded my SM to sourcemod-1.3.7-hg3081-windows and once I try to load it using the new MM mmsource-1.8.5-hg750-windows. The server doesn't come up at all. I take off SM and the server starts up with the new MM running. I have also upgraded to the new Mani Admin as well and fixed the game.txt file there as well. Any help would be appreciated big time

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