SRCDS Steam group

moving around with srcds

Is it possible once you have downloaded/installed SRCDS on one pc, to copy de folder containing all the files to another pc?
Or does the hldsupdatetool copy/install some of the files in other folders?

I was just wondering...


nobody said it would be easy ...
yes.. that will work.. just besure you get ALL of the files.. not just the files in the cstrike folder..
Thnx, I'll keep that in mind...

By the way, does it often happen that the hldsupdatetool has buggy connections?

The first time I downloaded the server, it wouldn't start up at all. So I tried it again.
But now I get al kind of errors like:
-Manifest checksum failed.
-Compression Failure, WinSock Error 0 "No error"

What is the problem here?

nobody said it would be easy ...
Just thinking... Isn't possible (if it's allowed) to zip the whole server and offer it as one download insteat of using that ***tool?!


nobody said it would be easy ...
hmmm.... seems a lot of people have gotten that error soon.. ill try to do a lil research on it.. and see what i come up with. but yea.. that could be done.. the whole zip thing.. its just that is how valve wil release there updates.. you have to run the hldsupdatetool to get the server updates.. what is the exact command that your using to try and use the updatetool??
hldsupdatetool -command update -game "hl2mp" -dir D:\hl2server

For DoDS and CSS I use the same command (batchfile) but then with "DODS" or "Counter-Strike Source" after the flag "-game"

nobody said it would be easy ...
Little update...

I used the same command as mentioned before, but added the flags "-username (your steam username)" and "-password (your steam password)"
Now I don't get the errors, that's to say: not yet...

It looks now like this:
Quote:hldsupdatetool -command update -game "counter-strike source" -dir d:\hl2server -username ... -password ...

Good hunting ...

nobody said it would be easy ...

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