I currently use this
but, it asks to "Continue Scrds Service" every time the server crashes, and I'm not always on the box to press Y or N, Is there any program or any way to fix the current script for me?
oh wait -norestart, let me try it
echo (%time%) Zombie RP started.
start /wait srcds.exe -game garrysmod +exec server.cfg +sv_defaultgamemode Darkrp -tickrate 66 -norestart +ip +fps_max 500 -port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +map zombiesurvival_b5 +rcon_password REMOVED_____ -console -condebug
echo (%time%) WARNING: Zombie RP closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
but, it asks to "Continue Scrds Service" every time the server crashes, and I'm not always on the box to press Y or N, Is there any program or any way to fix the current script for me?
oh wait -norestart, let me try it