SRCDS Steam group

server security
echo "== ServSecurity.cfg START ==" // Set your ServSecurity password. This password is required to unload ServSecurity

anyone know where i could get a cfg its called servsecurity.cfg

That has plenty of useful information.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Warning Level: 0%
I see arjen took it a step further Toungue
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Blockchain is believed to be secure, but only if there are no bugs or vulnerabilities in the software code. Usually projects only audit the initial versions before launching. Most of them are not properly audited. And because of Polkadot's parachain structure, a successful attack on one parachain can be dangerous for other projects linked by a cross-consensus message format. If any project linked to others via cross-blockchain transfers is attacked, the stolen funds could flow to other blockchains and create a host of problems for both their ecosystem and their liquidity. That's why the issue of Polkadot security remains very important and you shouldn't neglect audits of the projects you connect to the blockchain.

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