SRCDS Steam group

What server should I pick ?
Well our clan currently has a server but we want to expand our public server and have a few private servers. We would like to do a 24 man war server 100 tick, a 20 man 100 tick, and a few 10 man private servers.

We have a few options for the server.
Choice #1 P4 2.4 GHz 1gig ram , 80gig X 2 (* 2 we could get 2 of these for the price of one with 1500 gigs traffic a month)

Choice #2 Dual Xeon 3.06 Ghz , 2gig Ram, 3 * 18gig scsi

Which one would be best ?
Its hard decision. If you have choice of 2 servers then maybe that would be a better idea. Its seperate 100mbit each or shared on both?

Each server would have a 10Mb link (if need be upgraded for free to 100Mb link)I also think choice 1 is the best since choice 2 only has 500gigs of bandwidth and I would have a higher upfront cost since the hardware is included in the other price.
would be an idea to upgrade to 100mbit to ensure it isnt struggling for some bandwidth. If its free then go nuts with the upgrade.
Is there any other things going to be run on the servers? like webserver / database or ircd's?

Oh by the way. If your going to have custom stuff on your server id recommend setting sv_downloadurl on your servers and just buy some cheap webhosting with a fair bit of bandwidth(its cheap enough) to host your custom data / map downloads

well aware of that and already have a website hosted off another place, so those 2 servers would only be for cs:s but how many could I fit on each do you think ?

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