SRCDS Steam group

update script questions
So I made a script to run every day at 5am EST on my server. My question is, Does the server need to be stopped while this update is going on? Can it be running and someone just come on later and type "quit" in console or restart the server via the swiftpanel?

echo "updating HL2 Server"
sleep 1
./steam -command update -game "hl2mp" -dir /home/yourusernamehere/hl2mp
Just make a script that kills the srcds process and updates the server. When you're done add the script to the crontab and run it whenever you want.
There are scripts present at this forum ... just cut and paste what you need.
This one is good

Edit: Sorry this script is not for updating.
you can update the server while it is running and restart it once the update is in progress. I am doing this every night ;-) But I would restart the server right after the update, else some strange things might happen at map change (when the server partially loads updated files and has old files in memory). (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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