Server OS: Windows Server 2003
Processor: AMD Sempron 3100+ 1.8ghz
Ram: 1.5 GB
Game(s): Counter-Strike Source
Start Up Command: C:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -hostport 27015 +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2 -tickrate 100 -auto update
Admin Mods: none.
I have installed srcds following the tutorial above in the stickies.
In my launch options for the srcds shortcut, i have the hostport as 27015
I launch the srcds and it says port 27015, and when looking in my lan tab it says its port 27015, but when i use my external ip and connect to the server, the port is 60022?
Rcon doesnt work.
] rcon
Unable to connect to remote server (
I have a dyndns.
And when you type status in console it shows the right port... but looking at the top right it says its 60022.
I have a d-link di-624
Server OS: Windows Server 2003
Processor: AMD Sempron 3100+ 1.8ghz
Ram: 1.5 GB
Game(s): Counter-Strike Source
Start Up Command: C:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -hostport 27015 +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2 -tickrate 100 -auto update
Admin Mods: none.
I have installed srcds following the tutorial above in the stickies.
In my launch options for the srcds shortcut, i have the hostport as 27015
I launch the srcds and it says port 27015, and when looking in my lan tab it says its port 27015, but when i use my external ip and connect to the server, the port is 60022?
Rcon doesnt work.
] rcon
Unable to connect to remote server (
I have a dyndns.
And when you type status in console it shows the right port... but looking at the top right it says its 60022.
I have a d-link di-624