(12-29-2009, 01:31 AM)_dp Wrote: Some addition to this:
If you start your commandline with an amp "&" at the end, it means that this application will remain active after pressing STRG+C or Closing the terminal. If you don't want that, i.e. to test new server configurations, don't use the &.
i usually list the processes by typing: "ps uwx" this shows only the running processes of the current user. i never heard of the -ef parameter, but of course they might work too 
"kill #pid" is in most cases enough to shutdown a server, it means that the application will receive a term signal. by adding -9 to it, the application will get the kill signal. in most cases, you'll want to terminate your server with the normal "kill #pid" command and only use the -9 if the process doesn't respond at all. (happend only 2 times for me in ~3 years of gameserver administration)
if your server keeps restarting, there might be the startscript still running. type ps uwx to find your startscript. until this startscript isn't terminated, the server will always be revived.
I think you can find all the start scripts with
ps -A | grep srcds_run
Running it on my server the results were:
17321 ? 00:00:08 srcds_run
18736 ? 00:00:16 srcds_run
25094 ? 00:00:07 srcds_run
10309 pts/2 00:00:00 srcds_run
13477 ? 00:00:08 srcds_run
4102 ? 00:00:05 srcds_run
23222 pts/0 00:00:00 srcds_run
25977 pts/6 00:00:00 srcds_run
19027 pts/10 00:00:00 srcds_run
though I had only 2 servers actually running.
I then used
kill -9 17321
kill -9 18736
and so on to kill every pid. Then I restarted my servers, making a note of the pid for each one so I would know which one I was killing in the future.
Just tried
ps -C srcds_run
It works the same as
ps -A | grep srcds_run
but also shows a caption for the column, PID TTY TIME CMD
ps -ef shows all PIDS running on the server