SRCDS Steam group

exec cfg automagicly on server how?
I have finaly with some help found a script that can help me to stop update and then start my two servers with ease. But they share the same install but uses diff plugins so normaly i exec´s my modded sm_warmode_on.cfg on one of the servers to get my plugins loaded. Is there a way so i can make that automaticly?
What is it you're trying to do?

What it looks like is you want to add the +exec configname.cfg to the command line to force execution of a specific config.
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Yes sortof can i do that and load or unload my plugins that way?
Eh, it will cause problems... Just make two seperate installs.
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No other solution?
Do the plugins you use have toggles? Sometimes its easier to kill a switch to a house than to cut the power to it while running. What plugins are you trying to turn on and off?
Did two installs
Was hard to get my bash update script to work but i managed it... but still the servers are started at the same time but the time using 'top' the servers has been online differs greatly...

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