SRCDS Steam group

Multiple Things
1. On my server, when i use voice chat, i get really really laggy and the server comes up with something to do with netchannel. for voice chat, do i need to install something, or use a server command?
2. for windows vista home premuim 32-bit SP1, how would i make the server run faster without any drastic changes to the look of the computer (its a laptop and I use it for school work, but when i want to play with my mates i use it as a TF2 server
3. How many servers could this comp run?

Windows Vista Home Premuim 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5800 @2.00GHz
Team Fortress 2
No admin mods installed yet (i will install Sourcemod soon though)
10-2 Mbps
Well vista alone is going to eat up a gig of that ram, and more than half a core to itself. I would have to say you could run 1 small game server because you're also playing on the same machine...
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Why would you want to run more than 1 anyways if it is just for your friends?
1. I don't run the server on same comp as i play on, i run server on my laptop, and play on my main computer.
2. if im running a six person server, what sort of speed, goodness, should i expect.
you should be fine with a 6 person server.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
You should open your own thread, but I would have to say a 24 slot gameserver should be fine for you, if you wanted to host your own, you would need some good bandwidth and a good server to run 24/7 or so...

Or you could just rent one from me for $17 per month :3
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!

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