SRCDS Steam group

About ip and ports

I'm struggeling with a debian box here.
Got a minimal debian install on an AMD X2 4850e trying to get 2 srcds running.

Problem is that when i start with these parameters (./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust2 -maxplayers 16 +fps_max 1000 -tickrate 100 +sv_lan 1 -port 27015 -verify_all -secure) and port 27015 TCP open i can't get RCON to work (Unable to connect to Remote Server...). But the server shows up @ the steam LAN server list. When i type status on the server it shows this ip - udp/ip :

When i start the server with the same parameters but with a -ip the RCON works, but i can't see the server in the Steam LAN servers list. The server line @ status shows the right ip there.

someone plz help me

Thank you
ok sry guys
just found this thread

+ip did the job

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