Irmitch, I think SourceMod is better as adding admins.
Its easier and i is alot easier to install to your server, just download the latest version of MetaMod, extract it to cstrike folder. Then download latest version of Sourcemod and extract them aswell to the cstrike folder.
Then click C:SRCDS/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/config/admin_simple.isi
(atleast something like that) and look at the bottom of the admin_simple file.
Write your steamname between two "STEAM_0:1:2008695" and add another "" with this between: 99:z
So at the bottom of the file write your id and this:
"STEAM_0:1:287650" "99:z"
That should make you a full admin.
It worked for me, hopefully it works for you aswell
Add me on steam "jefsin" if you need help to get your server online!
Realchamp is like an updated file,
everytime my server is f*cked,
he always got new methods to put it together!
Quote:Hazz Wrote:
Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else