SRCDS Steam group

Little hiccups [TF2]
We run the two servers | Stock Maps [RANK] | 2FORT Fast Spawn [RANK][FASTSPAWN]

On the IP but we are experiencing little lag spikes this week which is causing considerable problems and driving traffic away from our server, the CPU memory and network are all less than 30% I have been trying to figure out what it is all week but I can't troubleshoot it Sad
Jamie Brunton, Gamer Creation
Gamer Creation - For Gamers By Gamers
Twitter: Gamer Creation
Steam servers have been having issues the past week or so since the updates, so they might be causing some issues. Please be patient, and wait it out Smile
They can cause little lag spikes?
Jamie Brunton, Gamer Creation
Gamer Creation - For Gamers By Gamers
Twitter: Gamer Creation
Your server have to establish and keep a connection to Steam servers for various reasons, so if they lag, it can delay your server in connecting, which might result in lag on your end.
But has been like this for a week and every other server I join seems fine.
Jamie Brunton, Gamer Creation
Gamer Creation - For Gamers By Gamers
Twitter: Gamer Creation
The strange thing also is it just seems to be TF2
Jamie Brunton, Gamer Creation
Gamer Creation - For Gamers By Gamers
Twitter: Gamer Creation
Your client also has to connect to Steam servers as well Toungue

Make sure all your rates are set pretty high on client Smile
Hey all! The tf2 server my clan runs has been having the same problem too for about the last week while our CS:S server is not. Does anybody have any news/ideas/info if it is in fact the steam servers that are causing this, or if not if there is anything else we can try?
Turned out to be a SourceMod plugin, we couldn't pin down which one so we reinstalled our servers and the lag is now gone Smile
Jamie Brunton, Gamer Creation
Gamer Creation - For Gamers By Gamers
Twitter: Gamer Creation

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