SRCDS Steam group

Server lags when player connects
Hi, I inherited a semi unused community TF2 server to use for our 6v6 TF2 team. We had lag issues in the past but they were never resolved. We had a post on here before about it but it eventually died off. Please keeping in mind while I am fairly competent in computers I never had to use linux for anything. While I managed to figure out SSH to add a map to the server please keep my inexperience in mind when explaining.

The problem is that whenever a player tries to connect to the server we experience lag.

Previous thread:

Server OS: Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-20
Processor: AMD Opteron Processor 242 Dual Core 1.6GhZ
Ram: 20GB (I realize the application can't access most of the ram. The box used to do something else which needed it and I'm lazy and never pulled the excess ram)
Game(s): TF2
Start Up Command: /home/steam/orangebox/srcds_run -game tf -timeout 30 -autoupdate -debuglog tf2debug.log +map pl_goldrush +port 27015 +maxplayers 24 +ip -pidfile
Admin Mods: SourceMod, MetaMod

Full Install Command: I don't recall this information.
Anyone able to give me some help regarding this?
tried anything regarding kernel optimization? if not, see my howto in the signature... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
Do not ask technical questions via PM!
Thanks for the reply. Before I dig into messing with things about linux I dont understand is there anyway I can tell before hand if my kernel is unoptimized? Will optimizing hurt the server unintentionally if I do something wrong or its unnecessary?

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