SRCDS Steam group

[SOLVED] Server not showing up on server list?
I'm running counterstrike source on ubuntu 9.904 "Jaunty Jackalope"
AMD 939 Processor (3200+)
1gb of ddr400 ram
sata2 WD 250gb hard drive

I have it installed and running fine, the only problem is that it wont show up on the server list on the lan page.

I can connect just fine using the ip and port form console

I have sv_lan set to 1, and sv_region to 0

is there a command or something im missing?

Do not have the ip and port commands in your startup command. if you have multiple games running off a box, it will know to use other ports
I have the same problem !!
Can you give me/us a screenshot of the whole startup process? And what's your startup line? Please post.
starting line (this is in a bash script i have in the folder where srcds_run is located):

./srcds_run -game cstrike -ip -port 27014 +maxplayers 14 +map de_dust2 +exec server.cfg

in the server.cfg (located in the cstrike/cfg folder):

//server name
hostname "fps randy - Counter-Strike: Source"

//rcon pw
rcon_password "password"

//adv rcon
sv_rcon_banpenalty 10
sv_rcon_maxfailures 20
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 300

//server cvars
mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_autokick 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_tkpunish 1
mp_forcecamera 1
sv_alltalk 1
sv_pausable 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_consistency 1
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_maxspeed 320
mp_limitteams 0
mp_hostagepenalty 0
sv_voiceenable 1
mp_allowspectators 1
mp_timelimit 25
mp_chattime 10
sv_timeout 30
mp_dynamicpricing 0

//round specifics
mp_freezetime 6
mp_roundtime 4
mp_startmoney 800
mp_c4timer 45
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_maxrounds 15
mp_winlimit 12
mp_playerid 0
mp_spawnprotectiontime 17

//bandwidth rates/settings
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 0
decalfrequency 10
sv_maxupdaterate 100
sv_minupdaterate 20

//server logging
//log off
//sv_logbans 1
//sv_logecho 1
//sv_logfile 1
//sv_log_onefile 0

sv_lan 1
//sv_region 0
And a screenshot of your console please!
my bad
here's a copy paste from putty:

login as: css
css@'s password:

System information as of Sat May 16 08:00:02 CDT 2009

System load: 0.02 Memory usage: 50% Processes: 89
Usage of /: 3.4% of 210.94GB Swap usage: 0% Users logged in: 1

Graph this data and manage this system at

15 packages can be updated.
1 update is a security update.

css@fpsceej:~$ cd /home/css/hlds
css@fpsceej:~/hlds$ ls
bin cstrike hldsupdatetool.bin readme.txt srcds_i486 srcds_run
css hl2 InstallRecord.blob srcds_amd srcds_i686 steam
css@fpsceej:~/hlds$ ./css
// Counter-Strike: Source Server Starting!

Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
maxplayers set to 32
maxplayers set to 14
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27014 SV / 27006 CL
Executing dedicated server config file
Error: Material "sprites/bubble" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
appdatacache.cpp (311) : Assertion Failed: !"Implement me"
Adding master server
Adding master server
And not more?

Try remove the ip command.
removed it, this is the new console output:

login as: css
css@'s password:
Linux fpsceej 2.6.28-11-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 02:48:10 UTC 2009 i686

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

To access official Ubuntu documentation, please visit:

System information as of Sat May 16 08:30:01 CDT 2009

System load: 0.01 Memory usage: 48% Processes: 95
Usage of /: 3.4% of 210.94GB Swap usage: 0% Users logged in: 2

Graph this data and manage this system at

15 packages can be updated.
1 update is a security update.

Last login: Sat May 16 08:07:05 2009 from
css@fpsceej:~$ ls
css@fpsceej:~$ cd hlds
css@fpsceej:~/hlds$ ls
bin cstrike hldsupdatetool.bin readme.txt srcds_i486 srcds_run
css hl2 InstallRecord.blob srcds_amd srcds_i686 steam
css@fpsceej:~/hlds$ pico css
css@fpsceej:~/hlds$ ./css
// Counter-Strike: Source Server Starting!

Auto detecting CPU
Using AMD Optimised binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Counter-Strike: Source"
maxplayers set to 32
maxplayers set to 14
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27014 SV / 27006 CL
Executing dedicated server config file
Error: Material "sprites/bubble" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
appdatacache.cpp (311) : Assertion Failed: !"Implement me"
Adding master server
Adding master server

still not showing up on lists, and i can still connect via console connect command.
Also try without -port command.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm weird.. Toungue
wow that fixed everything.

even when i have multiple games going they seem to know to use different ports, score

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