SRCDS Steam group

pure_server_whitelist.txt help
Need help, I am lost. For some reason I absolutly cannot get the sv_pure and whitelist system to work. I have a conflict somewhere and cant pin it down.

sv_pure 1
sv_pure_kick_clients 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_aim 0

What doesnt: *how do I make this work & what else can I block when it does work*

Does not block custom weapon skins
Does not block Custom Player models
Does Not Block custom flag models
Does not play quake sounds
Does not play Say_sounds

    // 3 modifiers are allowed on file specifications:
    //    from_steam        - only check the Steam cache for the file (ignore anything on disk)
    //    allow_from_disk        - allow the file to come from disk
    //    check_crc        - used with allow_from_disk - server does CRC checks on the client's file to make sure it matches
    //    The default modifier on all files is allow_from_disk. Thus, all files can come from disk and don't need CRC checks unless
    //    allow_from_disk can be set at the same time as check_crc. Use the + character in between them to signify this: allow_from_disk+check_crc.

    // Three types of file specifications:
    //    1. directory\*.*    - refers to all files under the directory
    //    2. directory\...    - refers to all files under the directory and all directories under that (recursively)
    //    3. directory\filename    - refers to a single file

    // By default, when in pure server mode, most content file types are only allowed to come from Steam.
    materials\...            from_steam
    models\...            from_steam
    sound\...            from_steam
    sound\gl_endmusic\*.*            allow_from_disk+check_crc
    sound\admin_plugin\...            allow_from_disk
    sound\quake\...            allow_from_disk  


    // Allow custom player models. Don't do CRC checks on them because the clients may all
    // have different custom models and the server won't have them all.
    models\player\...            from_steam
    materials\models\player\...            from_steam

    // Allow custom spray decals.
    materials\temp\...            allow_from_disk
    materials\vgui\logos\...            allow_from_disk
    materials\vgui\logos\ui\...            allow_from_disk
    // (Uncomment and edit these for mods).
    // Allow mod resources to come from disk.
    // materials\mymod\...            allow_from_disk+check_crc
    // models\mymod\...            allow_from_disk+check_crc
    // sound\mymod\...            allow_from_disk+check_crc
[SM] Listing 45 plugins:
  01 "Fun Commands" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  02 "[DoD TMS] Addon - AFK Manager" (0.4) by FeuerSturm
  03 "Quake Sounds" (1.8) by dalto
  04 "[DoD TMS] Addon - ClanTag Protection" (0.2) by FeuerSturm
  05 "[DoD TMS] Addon - High Ping Kicker" (0.4) by FeuerSturm
  06 "[DoD TMS] Addon - AutoTeamBalance" (0.5) by FeuerSturm
  07 "Basic Commands" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  08 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  09 "Fun Votes" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  10 "Basic Comm Control" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  11 "Reserved Slots" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  12 "Plugin Manager" (1.1.0) by R-Hehl
  13 "[DoD TMS] Addon - Player / Team Commands" (0.4) by FeuerSturm
  14 "Medic Mod" (1.0.108) by <eVa>Dog
  15 "VBAC" (3.3) by MoggieX
  16 "Rock The Vote" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  17 "[DoD TMS] Addon - Secret Spectate" (0.2) by FeuerSturm
  18 "DoD Restock Source" (1.1) by FeuerSturm
  19 "Client Preferences" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  20 "SoDStats" (1.0.11) by ]SoD[ Frostbyte
  21 "Spray Tracer" (5.7) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th
  22 "Web Shortcuts" (1.0.1) by James "sslice" Gray
  23 "MapChooser" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  24 "Admin Menu" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  25 "Anti-Flood" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  26 "[DoD TMS] Addon - RoundEnd Events" (0.5) by FeuerSturm
  27 "SlapSlay Commands" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  28 "SrcTV demorecord" (0.3) by O!KAK
  29 "Map Nominations" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  30 "Admin Help" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  31 "Basic Chat" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  32 "RandomCycle" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  33 "Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition)" (3.1.3) by Hell Phoenix, -=|JFH|=-Naris, W]M[D FernFerret, LAMDACORE, Uberman, gH0sTy, Woody
  34 "Advertisements" (0.5.5) by Tsunami
  35 "RateChecker" (0.2) by pRED*
  36 "Nextmap" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  37 "Basic Votes" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  38 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  39 "[DoD TMS] Addon - Anti-VoiceCmdSpam" (0.1) by FeuerSturm
  40 "[DoD TMS] Base  - DoD TeamManager Source" (1.0) by FeuerSturm
  41 "SourceMod Radio" ( by dubbeh
  42 "DOD:S Fireworks" (1.2) by Silent_Water
  43 "Admin File Reader" (1.1.0) by AlliedModders LLC
  44 "Kigen's Anti-Cheat" (1.1.8) by Kigen
  45 "[DoD TMS] Addon - Class Restrictions" (0.5) by FeuerSturm
Did you ever get this to work - I'd be very interested in seeing how you did it.
It's not that difficult. If you can't figure it out, try look at VALVe's Wiki. Pretty nicely explained there.
Actually, right after reading the thread I did just that - apparently it does work pretty nicely.

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