SRCDS Steam group

Counter Strike Source Server problam!! help me
Ironwall user says: FUCK IRONWALL I WANT THAT Big Grin Toungue
Ok, it also might be that your firewall or something is blocking DDOS attacks, which would be spamming something like rcon_password lol so your server company blocks incoming connections which would be why you lose that connection.
[Image: b_350x20_C002748-004880-FFFFFF-000000.png]
now i dont know what my rcon password all time its say bad rcon , in ironwall/settings i do (rcon_password "xxxx")
and in autoexec and in server.cfg :|
what my rcon :[ how i can to know?
it will be in ur server cfg

rcon_password "blablablabla"

If u havent set one, set one Wink
i do this :{
rcon_password blablabla
its say bad rcon xD

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